Introduction Mechanisation that was followed by modernisation contributed to an increase in the capacity and extension of the assortment of dried products. By the beginning of 1992 our company was established through a vendue that took place due to privatization of former Novofruct NZ company, which meant continuation of this type of production. In the past, the main objective was to successfully develop manufacturing activities and modernise the entire production process. Primary agricultural production started in 1996 and was targeted at ensurance (growing) of own vegetables for processing in our own facilities (dehydration). Some part of vegetables we obtain from regional growers on a contractual basis. Thanks to excellent climatic conditions and irrigation through our own irrigation system, the vegetables grown in our region stand out due to their unique flavour and aroma and represent the most important basis for our products. |
946 38 RadvaĆ nad Dunajom 108, Slovensko, Tel./fax: 0421 35 7787 425
Mobil: 0421 905 712 359, E-mail:,
Mobil: 0421 905 712 359, E-mail:,