946 38 Radvaƈ nad Dunajom 108, Slovensko, Tel./fax: 0421 35 7787 425
Mobil: 0421 905 712 359, E-mail: jpapp@jpnaturalprodukt.sk, www.jpnaturalprodukt.sk

Welcome to our web site!

Our manufacturing company’s premises are situated in the Danube lowlands and overlook the Danube river /Ister/. Thanks to favourable climatic conditions, this region has become the main supplier of agricultural products, mainly vegetables and fruits, for entire Slovakia.                                                                                         more about our company >>

Our services:

We focus on dehydration of vegetables /onion, root vegetable, red pepper/ and medicinal plants for which we use a five-belt dehydration machine.

Our aim is to extend production of well-balanced food and ecological „bio“ products  and gradually make these our main production program.

Our motto is:
Guarantee and quality to achieve the trust and satisfaction of our customers.